sabato 1 giugno 2013

Gestire le Google Apps da Android e dal Web

Ecco il post di Google per annunciare la nuova consolle di amministrazione delle Google Apps

[...] Every day, millions of businesses, schools and government agencies rely on Google Apps to get their work done. And each of these organizations has an administrator (or a team of admins) responsible for tasks like creating new accounts, managing mobile devices, and specifying exactly which products and features their employees can use.

Starting today, we’re introducing a few changes to the Google Admin console to make it easier for admins to do their jobs:

Accomplish tasks faster: Navigating to the right setting should be fast, and with new logical groupings admins can find settings like delegated administration right under the Admin Roles control.
Customize the Admin console: Drag and drop the controls you need into the place that makes sense -- and remove the ones you don't need.
Get to the Admin console more easily: There is no need to remember a long URL like or search for the “manage domain” link in Gmail. Just type the new URL ( and log in directly to the Admin console. [...]

Pochi lo sanno ma per gestire le Google Apps da Mobile esiste anche una Apps sul Play Store...
[...] Manage users, reset passwords and adjust settings form anywhere [...]

Google Admin

Manage users, reset passwords and adjust settings from anywhere Google Enterp...

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